Loop Collective
Loop Collective

Welcome to Loop Collective

For you are exquisitely made–with strength and beauty for every trial

What is Loop Collective?

Loop Collective, inspired by the popular devotional Loop for Women, is a place for the open-minded, the brave, and the curiouswomen who seek to deepen their relationship with God.

Through a combination of life-giving community and inspiring teaching, Loop Collective helps women hear God's voice and encounter his love.

What's Inside?

Join us for  . . .

  • Community groups that foster a sense of unity and belonging, providing support through heartfelt conversations and vulnerability.
  • Creativity Workshops that foster contemplation and creative exploration of our own hearts as we pursue God's love and healing.
  • Exclusive Teaching that helps us engage with God authentically and meaningfully and deepen our faith.

Who is Loop Collective for?

From the discouraged to the hopeful, the downtrodden to the energized, the disheartened to the passionate, Loop Collective is for any woman, from teenager to older adult, who wants to know she is deeply loved and to connect with God.

Loop Collective reminds us that we are not alone in our experiences. We are part of something bigger, a sisterhood connected by faith and God's love. Together, we can overcome obstacles and strengthen our relationship with Him.